1. All balloons marketed by Radar Group and produced by the world's largest suppliers (Amscan - US Qualatex - US Gemar - Italy) show great quality and meet all the requirements and hold proper certifications according to the requirements of the European Union.

2. The balloons are fragile and must be handled with special attention to keep their qualities intact. It is recommended inflating them with air or helium.

3. Storage under improper conditions damages and disfigures balloons, thus losing its qualities.

4. It is forbidden to use balloons near sharp items (knives, forks, etc.), near high temperature generating items (radiator, bulb, candle, open fire, etc.), as well as their exposure to adverse conditions in terms of cleanliness (dust, toxic cleaning substances etc.), to humidity or high/ low temperatures.

5. Latex, foil balloons and even the helium inside the balloons are highly susceptible to interaction with other medium / product. Balloons foil inflated with helium temporary lose their physical qualities when interacting with low temperatures (helium condenses and the balloon adopts an effect of deflation until the temperature returns to normal), or high temperatures (the opposite effect of the low temperatures - balloons swell up to the point of even exploding - if inflated too much).

6. Balloons inflated with air or helium are to be transported with increased attention and in an appropriate environment, so as to maintain the balloon material intact.

7. Balloons lose all and any warranty if the conditions mentioned above are not met (2-6).

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone at 021.300.00.89 / 0726.290.157